What have
you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?
I started by using Google to research the conventions and
format of existing magazines. I also used Google to research what media
institutions would best fit my magazine. Google also helped me gather images
for different uses such as developing my mood board.
Photoshop was the main program I used. I used it to create
my magazine, I also used Photoshop to create my preliminary task while doing
that it taught me the basis so when I produced my music magazine I knew roughly
how to use it. I learnt how to use ‘rulers’ effectively to format my pages,
this was especially useful for my feature article when I had to put the columns
in. I also learnt how important having separate layers is when you want to move
things separately without moving the whole page.
I have always had an interest in photography but lacked the
knowledge and capability to achieve the shots I wanted. Due to this being a
magazine I knew I needed to achieve high end shots for the type of magazine I
wanted to produce and the target audience I was aiming at. To get ideas on what
kind of shots I should take I looked at Vogue and Elle to see what their front
covers are like and how women in them pose I then showed the girl I was
photographing some ideas so she had she knew what I was trying to aim for and I
think by the end I achieved the upper class look I was aiming for.
Web spaces played a major role during this project. To begin
with blogger was used to keep all my work. I also used Flickr to upload
analyses; it allowed quick and direct annotation to be attained. A disadvantage
I found with Flickr was that I had to write everything out on a word document
before putting annotating the picture this was time consuming. It prevented me
from having a long/detailed analysis due to the constriction of space. I also
used survey monkey, I used this website to get feedback from the audience to
see what they would like to see in my magazine. This helped me decide what I
want my target audience to be and what I want my magazine to include. After
getting some response I realised the audience wanted a music magazine that
included some fashion bits, I also realised that my magazine would therefore be
aimed at women. This website played a major role when it came to me producing
my final magazine.
In conclusion I now have a great knowledge and understanding
of how to use Photoshop, Flickr, blogger, issuu, survey monkey and other
programs and websites I have used while producing my magazine, these have
helped me produce my finish product to be exactly like I wanted it to be.
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